A Trip around the World


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points this recipe will get.



Bring chicken broth to a slow boil
Wash chard and separate ribs from leaves.
Chop ribs very fine and add to broth. Let cook 5 minutes while you prep leaves.
Chop leaves bite size. Add to pot.
Salt pepper and lemon
In 5 minutes it’s all cooked let cool ( 140 degrees is fine). Add rice. Stir in tablespoon of olive oil and adjust seasoning
Serve with lots of Parmigiano Reggiano and a swirl of oil!

To temper the egg:
Add a tablespoon of hot broth to the egg and lemon while mixing. Add and mix 4 tablespoons in the egg and lemon. One tablespoon at a time. Then incorporate in the soup. Simmer 5 minutes and you are ready.

About Chef Nina Mule Lyons

By the age of 8 this first generation Sicilian was cooking at her mothers elbow. Nina has traveled to visit Sicily and cook with her cousins. Her recipes are authentic and comforting. She is a 67 year old lady retired from a long career in higher education!


Sicilian Chard and Rice with Greek Lemon Broth

    • 15m

    • 15m

    • 250

    • 6



5 to 6 leaves of Swiss Chard
32 oz of chicken broth
1 tablespoon of olive oil.
2 cups of cooked rice.
2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice mixed with 2 egg yokes.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Olive oil and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. As much as you want!!


This is my mothers authentic soup. I can only source it to my family.


Garlic bread and salad. It’s a meal.