Why choose
Parmigiano Reggiano?
It is a matter of
exceptional taste.
If you know Parmigiano Reggiano, chances are you love this cheese. In case you have not experienced the real thing, please do yourself a favor: the next time you crave a really good cheese, make sure it is not just any ordinary cheese, but AUTHENTIC Parmigiano Reggiano – the one that’s made in Italy, and has dots on the rind. After you try it, you will understand what we’re trying to describe.

One of the most distinctive aspects of authentic Parmigiano Reggiano is the rich, granular texture which varies depending on aging – but is consistently unique.
Taste. Aroma. Texture. This cheese has it all.
We could write for days about the impressive and unique qualities of Parmigiano Reggiano. But it’s always better to hear it from someone else. The following description of the Parmigiano Reggiano experience was written by Larry Olmsted, in an article for Forbes. Mr. Olmsted is the NY Times Bestselling author of Real Food, Fake Food, a book that asks the big question: What Are You Really Eating?
(Parmigiano Reggiano) has a granular, crumbly structure – even though it is considered a “hard” cheese, if you stick the tip of a knife in it and twist it will break into irregular nuggets, much like a boulder shattered with a sledgehammer. The cheese contains tiny crunchy granules which give it a very unique texture. The taste is slightly sharp, not unlike mildly sharp cheddar, but also very complex and layered, a bit fruity, though nutty is the predominant characteristic and most typical descriptive. It leaves a wonderful aftertaste on the tongue.
It is one of the very highest naturally produced foods of any kind in Glutamate content, which is why it has a very strong umami characteristic or savory taste. This explains why even though it is delicious on its own, it also elevates almost any dish to which it is added, cooked or uncooked.
While here in the States many buy it simply for cooking, in Italy it is commonly served very simply as a plate of chunks, unadorned except perhaps for a drizzle of very high-quality aged balsamic vinegar. It does not need bread or crackers – in this case, the cheese truly does stand alone. I am an unabashed Parmigiano Reggiano lover: it is delicious and addictive, and after one chunk you want another and another and another, and unlike many delicacies, it’s hardly an acquired taste.
A cheese this good is not just for pasta and pizza.
Besides being a respected writer and journalist, Mr. Olmsted is the kind of guy that loves good food and knows more than most about all sorts of delicacies – including Parmigiano Reggiano.
I have visited Parma several times, eaten a lot of the cheese, but also served a lot of well-handled Parmigiano Reggiano at my house over the years in this chunky manner, and everyone who tries it loves it.
(…) much of what is passed off in this country as the King of Cheeses is not the real thing. It is easy to get great Parmigiano Reggiano here, but it is much easier not to. Amazingly, many people who love food and eat out at nice restaurants still rarely try the real thing.
Mr. Olmsted has been traveling the world as a journalist and a passionate fan of all things fun for 20 years. He’s had weekly columns in USA Today and Investors Business Daily published thousands of articles in leading magazines from Playboy to Popular Science and is currently the Contributing Travel Editor for Cigar Aficionado Magazine and restaurant columnist for USAToday.com. He is also the author of Real Food, Fake Food – a book that made the NY Times Bestselling list. You can follow him on Twitter @TravelFoodGuy
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