Short film sponsored by the Parmigiano
Reggiano Consortium wins top honors
More than just a food product, Parmigiano Reggiano cheese has become a symbol of the best that Italy has to offer. In turn, the brand has embraced its role as a beloved icon, committing resources in support of the advancement of Italian arts and culture. One example is the recent sponsorship of the film program at the School of Cinema of the Istituto Europeo di Design, based in Milan. We are delighted to announce that one of the short films produced thanks to Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium’s sponsorship received the coveted Audience Award at the Italian Film Festival USA 2021.

When you are considered a masterpiece of Italian culture,
it is important to support the advancement of Italy’s cultural programs.
A couple of years ago, Pietro Rovatti, the Head of Design at the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium was looking for creative ways to communicate the values of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. That’s when he discovered that the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED), a highly respected design school, was seeking funding for its film program. Pietro approached Nicola Bertinelli, the President of the Consortium, who agreed it would be a good fit – especially since the Consortium is committed to supporting Italian arts and cultural initiatives. The 2020 School of Cinema program at the IED included the development of three short films that were executed and directed by students, under the supervision of the respected Italian film director, Silvio Soldini. The films do not feature any type of product placement, instead each film draws its inspiration from one of the core values that drive Parmigiano Reggiano cheese: 1. Respect for nature and the environment; 2. Passion for what is real and meaningful; 3. The importance of tradition and craftsmanship.

A short film about how to solve a relationship crisis
is inspired by respect for nature and the environment.
One of the core values that drive Parmigiano Reggiano cheese is that respecting nature and the environment is vitally important for people and the planet. This was the idea that inspired two young directors, Elena Beatrice and Daniele Lince, to produce ‘Verdiana’. The film starts with the two protagonists (played by Dario Leone and Erica del Bianco) engaging in a big fight. The next morning they wake up with a significant problem: he can’t speak and she can’t hear. Doctors and exams are useless. Finally, they seek help from a Zen Master (Angela Finocchiaro) who comes to their aid – with a very special plant. What happens next is why this film won the Audience Award at the 2021 Italian Film Festival USA. It’s definitely worth watching, so…cut up some chunks of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, pour yourself a nice glass of wine, and sit back to enjoy this gem of a story!
[wp-video-popup video=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQcFQLoeqKU”]

The Italian Film Festival USA is the largest festival
dedicated specifically to promoting Italian cinema in the USA.
Began in 2005, the IFFUSA’s mission is to create the opportunity to see films that have not yet, or may never be seen outside of the largest cities in the US – always with the goal to elevate the awareness about Italy, its land, the people and its culture. Under normal circumstances, the festival takes place in a total of 14 cities, including Boulder, Cleveland, Detroit, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Memphis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Portland and St. Louis. However, due to Covid, this year’s program was delivered online – and this move was very much appreciated by the festival’s fans. For example, Irene V. wrote: “Thank you for the movies, thank you for making them available online – I am enjoying them very much at a time when I cannot go out to the movie theaters.” All of us at Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium applaud the work of the IFFUSA and share their commitment to supporting arts programs that celebrate Italy and its remarkable culture. And, of course we’d like to congratulate the talented film makers who worked so hard to deliver such a beautiful short film.
Members of the Italian American business and cultural communities
attended a celebratory dinner in New York.
To celebrate the acclaim received by Verdiana at the 2021 Italian Film Festival USA – while also celebrating the news that restaurants in NY are finally allowed to re-open for inside dining – we organized an intimate gathering, attended by prominent members of the Italian American cutural and business communities. The dinner was held at Lucciola in NY, the restaurant owned by Chef Michele Casadei Massari, who developed a very special menu with dishes and parings inspired by the movie. Parmigiano Reggiano cheese was, of course, the night’s protagonist.
The dinner was hosted by Eugenio Perrier, representing the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium – and the guest list included Ugo Fiorenzo (Campari USA), Dino Borri (Eataly), Federico Tozzi (IACC), Mauro Porcini (PepsiCo), Carlotta Laurenti (Golden Goose), and Alfredo Muccino (Solid Branding).
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